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Obsidian is a black natural glass crystal, it is used for protection, and grounding, it also absorbs negativity.

Placement of obsidian is best kept on you for protection of the self. For your home, it is best above or beside your doors.

Best on root chakra for grounding.

Crystals that work with obsidian all depend on what outcome you want, for example in times of chaos, using Amethyst will create a calm mind whilst the obsidian deflects the negative energy around you. Therefore helping to create calm and clarity.


Sodalite is a mainly blue crystal with white veins through it. Used for helping communication, confidence and truth.

Sodalite is best placed on the throat during meditation or kept on you when you need help communicating. In your home it’s best placed where your quiet place would be. It helps to induce mindfulness in this area.

Best Chakra placement is on the throat

Crystals that work well with Sodalite is for example Rose Quartz. Whilst in a relationship this great combination helps you be more objective. Helps you see things clearly. Once emotionally attached we lost objectivity the rose quartz helps us see and the sodalite helps us speak that truth.


Fluorite can sometimes be mistaken for Amethyst. It comes in transparent colours of Green, Purple and Pink.

Used for mental clarity, and peace of mind and is our personal favourite for ADHD.

Placement of this stone anywhere in your home brings balance. Carried with you, will help with mental clarity and focus.

Chakra usage with Fluorite depends on its colour. Green is great for the heart chakra whilst purple is great for the crown.

Combining Rose Quartz with Green Fluorite helps to cleanse/heal the heart Chakra. In meditation, Tourmaline is a great grounding crystal to enable the connection of all the chakras.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is a crystal that comes in many shades of pale pink.

It is used for healing emotional wounds, reminding us of self-love and giving oneself peace in your heart. Also used to find/attract love.

Around your home, it can be placed in your bedroom or in a room the family gathers. Carrying it will remind you to love yourself and allow a deep sense of compassion.

Rose Quartz is best placed on the heart Chakra.

There are many combinations of other crystals with rose quartz that work well. Any other Quartz for example. But our personal favourite is Citrine, combining these two great crystals will help attract more happiness, joy and love in your life.


Amethyst is a well-known purple stone. Ranging from light/pale purple to intense almost black purple.

Used for clarity, headaches, spirituality and insomnia.

Placed in your bedroom it can help with insomnia, where it encourages a better night’s sleep. Placed on the body it can help with headaches, focus and balancing mood swings.

Chakra placement is on the crown.

Amethyst works well with most other crystals but our personal favourite is smokey quartz to help prevent nightmares as well as help sleep.